

Nakon kreiranja naloga, moći ćete pratiti svoj rezervacije, pratiti potvrdu i također možete ocijeniti putovanje.
Korisničko ime*
Potvrdi lozinku*
Datum rođenja*
* Kreiranje računa znači da prihvatate naše Uslove korištenja usluge i Izjavu o privatnosti.
Prihvatite sve uvjete i odredbe prije nastavka na sljedeći korak

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Sharm Al Sheikh – Putovanje

Lista želja


Već od1,500 KM
(1 Recenzija)
Ime i prezime*
Email Adresa*
Vaš upit*
* Slažem se sa Uslovima korištenja usluge i Izjavom o privatnosti.
Prihvatite sve uvjete i odredbe prije nastavka na sljedeći korak
Raspoloživo: 20 mjesta
* Molimo odaberite sva obavezna polja da biste prešli na sljedeći korak.


Rezervišite sa povjerenjem

Najbolje cijene
Korisnička podrška 24/7
Ručno odabrane ture
Putno osiguranje

Trebate pomoć?

+387 62 035 825

[email protected]

Sharm Al Sheikh – Putovanje

(1 Recenzija)
  • 5 Dana
  • Broj mjesta : 20
  • Wifi dostupan
  • Jan - Dec


Ostavite svoje vodiče kod kuće i zaronite u lokalne kulture koje svaku destinaciju čine posebnom. Povezat ćemo vas sa našim ekskluzivnim iskustvima. Svako putovanje je pažljivo osmišljeno kako biste uživali u odmoru.

Čudesan spokoj zauzeo je čitavu moju dušu, kao ova slatka proljetna jutra u kojima uživam cijelim srcem. Sam sam i osjećam čar postojanja na ovom mjestu koje je stvoreno za blaženstvo duša poput moje. Toliko sam sretan, dragi prijatelju, toliko zaokupljen izuzetnim osjećajem pukog spokojnog postojanja, da zanemarujem svoje talente.

Cijena uključuje

  • Air fares
  • 3 Nights Hotel Accomodation
  • On Trip Transport
  • 2 Meals / day

Cijena ne uključuje

  • Driver Service Fee
  • Guide Service Fee
  • Room Service Fees

Šta očekivati

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents.

  • View the City Walls
  • Hiking in the forest
  • Discover the famous view point “The Lark”
  • Sunset on the cruise

Plan i program

Dan 1 - Arrive in Zürich, Switzerland

We’ll meet at 4 p.m. at our hotel in Luzern (Lucerne) for a “Welcome to Switzerland” meeting. Then we’ll take a meandering evening walk through Switzerland’s most charming lakeside town, and get acquainted with one another over dinner together. Sleep in Luzern (2 nights). No bus. Walking: light.

Dan 2 - Zürich–Biel/BienneNeuchâtel–Geneva

We’ll meet at 4 p.m. at our hotel in Luzern (Lucerne) for a “Welcome to Switzerland” meeting. Then we’ll take a meandering evening walk through Switzerland’s most charming lakeside town, and get acquainted with one another over dinner together. Sleep in Luzern (2 nights). No bus. Walking: light.

Dan 3 - Enchanting Engelberg

We’ll meet at 4 p.m. at our hotel in Luzern (Lucerne) for a “Welcome to Switzerland” meeting. Then we’ll take a meandering evening walk through Switzerland’s most charming lakeside town, and get acquainted with one another over dinner together. Sleep in Luzern (2 nights). No bus. Walking: light.

Dan 4 - Interlaken Area. Excursion to The Jungfrau Massif

We’ll meet at 4 p.m. at our hotel in Luzern (Lucerne) for a “Welcome to Switzerland” meeting. Then we’ll take a meandering evening walk through Switzerland’s most charming lakeside town, and get acquainted with one another over dinner together. Sleep in Luzern (2 nights). No bus. Walking: light.

Dan 5 - Lake Geneva and Château de Chillon

We’ll meet at 4 p.m. at our hotel in Luzern (Lucerne) for a “Welcome to Switzerland” meeting. Then we’ll take a meandering evening walk through Switzerland’s most charming lakeside town, and get acquainted with one another over dinner together. Sleep in Luzern (2 nights). No bus. Walking: light.



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Can I change the travel date?

We have you covered! We will email you as items in your order ship, or if there are updates on the status of your order. Can't find the email?Click here to check the status of your order.

My discount code is not working, what do I do?

We have you covered! We will email you as items in your order ship, or if there are updates on the status of your order. Can't find the email?Click here to check the status of your order.

Do I need to apply visa?

We have you covered! We will email you as items in your order ship, or if there are updates on the status of your order. Can't find the email?Click here to check the status of your order.

Do you have insurance covered?

We have you covered! We will email you as items in your order ship, or if there are updates on the status of your order. Can't find the email?Click here to check the status of your order.

5 korisnika trenutno gleda ovo putovanje!
Već od1,500 KM
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