Umra 2025
Umrah aims to visit the Kaaba and perform certain actions, including: Putting on the Ihram, niyyat, Tawaf around the Kaaba, Sa'j between Safa and Merwa, and shaving the head or cutting the hair short. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, says: "From umrah to umrah, Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, erases all possible sins, and for the Hajj accepted by Allah, there is no other reward except Paradise." In the Harems in Medina and Mecca, it is necessary to spend as much time as possible performing prayers, learning the Qur'an, making supplications to the Creator and thinking about life in this world and our role in it and preparing for the Hereafter.
Royalty of Bosnia, beginning in November 2023, organizes an umra every month for a minimum of 50 people, every month our clients can expect new and definitely the best offers on the BiH market and beyond.